How do we operate?

Learn more about the cooperation scheme with the knowledge up science communication office.

STEP 1: tell us about your plans and needs

Fill in the form, call us at +48 509 486 527 or send an e-mail to

→ What is your area of expertise?

→ What do you want to achieve with communication support?

→ What do you find most challenging at this stage of the project?

Solutions that make knowledge visible
Science communication strategies
Relationship building with the media
Social media: planning and ongoing operation
Direct knowledge transfer to companies and organizations
Knowledge projects websites
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STEP 2: get to know our communications proposals and let's set a direction

We analyze your needs and create the most optimal scenario of activities for you. Together we create a plan, select tools and formulate the final form of cooperation. All the time we support you with our knowledge and experience.

STEP 3: we prepare to implement the project

The knowledge up team executes the plan: we prepare the materials and refine the ways to reach the audience. You accept the prepared materials – you have full control over the message we take out into the world.

What kind the materials we create for you
A narrative to facilitate knowledge positioning
Press releases about scientific results
Pitch letters to build interest in knowledge
Podcasts with scientists and experts
Video to help the community understand the results
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Your knowledge becomes visible
In doing so, you create a space that facilitates further research, makes society smarter, and allows business to be more innovative.

STEP 4: we implement the plan and keep you informed of the results

We reach established audiences with your knowledge. We initiate media publications, manage social media channels, train your team, take care of your website. Every step of the way, knowledge up supports your activity and advises you on how to effectively build the visibility of your knowledge.